Tuesday, April 30, 2013

And the work continues......

on the road from Paris 
Jerry and I have been back in France for two months now.  We were anxious to get here and enjoy the warm breeze and the sunshine as we contemplated the projects we would be starting.  When we landed in Paris the weather was icy cold with snow everywhere.  Jerry assured me the weather would improve as we travelled south.  The best thing I can say about getting further South is at least it isn’t snowing.  There has been an inordinate amount of rain, cold temperatures and just overall icky weather.  It is 30th of April and we still have our heat on!  Oh well!  Work has started regardless of the weather and I am sure it will warm up eventually.

bathroom door
new entrance door to chamber
One of the very first things Jerry addressed was the “tunnel of wind” from the attic to the ground level.  The wind would whip under the roof tiles and head straight thru the door and down the stairwell.  He installed a new door on what will be some sort of bathroom in that chamber.  Then he built two doors for the chamber entrance since no readymade door would fit.   He then stuffed insulation boards into the area above the door (actually across the entire wall) to insulate against the wind.  I cannot tell you how happy this “little” project made me.  The house warmed up almost immediately! 

the loo and broom closet
The second project was the “loo” on the ground level.  This is important because at the moment the only bathrooms in the house are on the 1st level (which means you climb a flight of stairs and you access them thru bedrooms).  It is inconvenient when we have parties or guests.  Now there is a water closet just as you enter the garage from the house.  Jerry also enclosed the water heater so I have a separate room for my vacuum, floor polisher, broom, his golf clubs, etc., etc.  That little room makes me happy because everything but the golf clubs was in my tiny laundry room.  At the moment we are waiting on the electrician to get here and do the electrical stuff.  After that I can get in there with a paint brush in hand and Jerry can finish the tiling.  Then “VOILA”!

Jerry has also been busy building the last panel for the dining room.  It will be set within a day or so.  With the weather being so cool and rainy it takes the paint longer to dry ….  And it took a long time to dry when the weather was warm and sunny.  After that panel is set the kitchen/dining room will be finished. 

the attic
The attic
The renovation of the chamber in the Attic has been started as well.  Last year we cleared all the junk, wood, rubble and trash out of the attic.  Now we have started cleaning the walls and ceiling and wooden beams…..dusty, dirty let me tell you!  I have pulled probably 100 nails out of the first wooden beam.  The previous occupants must have hung meat, dried vegetables, flowers, or whatever up there!  At the moment we are contemplating how the bathroom will work up there….it is a problem and I hope we can get something figured out. 

The other major project will begin the middle of May.  We have acquired a contractor to begin construction of the terrace and the sunroom.  This project begins with strengthening the floor and putting on a new “skim coat” plus waterproofing.  Stairs will also be installed in the garage for outside access to the terrace.  The stairs will be in the general location of the new “loo”.  Because we do not know at this moment in time if we will be allowed to remove part of the roof, and because we have to have some roof repair done in some places, we are installing translucent panels.  The panels will let in light and will stop the leaks.  There is a lot of cleanup to do on the walls and I am not sure how we are going to “sweep” them down.  Big, black cob webs are hanging from the very high ceiling and dirt is clinging to the very tall walls. Guess we will figure it out……like we have done on so many other things!