Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wheelin' and Dealin' in France

After spending Monday doing nothing at the Ruin except listening to David and Jerry and Kevin discuss more work for David and how much it will cost, I came home.  Totally unproductive day for me.  Robert did put us onto a product that will seal the limewash on the ceiling and walls (we hope) so painting won't be such a pain in the patoot.  We have put a sample amount on about 10 ft of ceiling and if I ever get back to the work site I will try to run a paint roller full of paint over it and see how it does.   I am nothing if not hopeful!  Jerry and I could not work at the Ruin yesterday because David and his Merry Men were working in the Sejours and up the stairwell.  We couldn't go up or down the stairs and we couldn't get in or out of the garage very easily.......SO  we spent the day toolin' around the countryside on our way to Montpellier.  We stopped at a large Brico was a water haul because they are in the middle of remodeling the entire store and every department was roped off because of work.  If you wanted anything from one of the roped off areas an employee had to get it for you.  Jerry did buy a garden sprayer to use if the above mentioned sealer works..we will spray it on and hopefully save some time.  Jerry also got his first ever face to face scolding from a French driver as we were going around the round about trying to decide if it was the correct round about for us!  That French woman was MAD!!  She was in a hurry to get to the McDrive.....I promise! That is where she pulled into after our cussin'....she pulled into the drive thru of the McDonald's!  We guessed Big Mac Attacks occur in France just like they do in America!  LOL  After we FOUND  IKEA and then figured out HOW to GET to IKEA we spent hours going over the entire store.  I bought two mattress covers and two sets of clothes hangers.  We also decided we would get our bed from IKEA  since they have a 90 day guarantee to exchange it for another one if we decide we don't like it.  Almost everything else we will need is there and it is reasonably priced.
As we started home we stopped at  It is a used and some new furniture store.  Jerry found some chairs he thinks will look fine with the dining table but we didn't get them.  If they are still there we may pick then up when we get the beds.
Today Jerry and I spent nearly all morning at The But Store buying the major appliances for the kitchen.  We now have an oven, microwave, stove vent, gas burners, dishwasher, TV and American Refrig. The Refrig has ice and water in the door and an outside door to steal a coke, milk jug or wine bottle out of the Refrig without opening the big door.  I would tell you how much we paid for everything but Jerry swore me to secrecy.  Just let me say this....the sales person and her manager were both relieved when we paid out.  I am sure they spent the afternoon comiserating with our cabinet salesperson over dealing with "The Damn Americans".  Jerry is good at negotiating!  We still have to buy a clothes washer and a kitchen sink.  I have become stubborn about the sink and the washer I want.  The sink has to be white or good stainless steel...good being the key word, it has be deep and it has to be a double sink.  My washer has to be 7kg, 1400 on the spin, and not loud, db should be 46 or better.  The reasons for the specs on the washer is because I won't have a dryer, nor will I have an outdoor space (for a while anyway) to hang our clothes out to dry, I don't want to do several small loads everytime I wash, and I don't want to feel like a jet plane is taking off from the laundry room.  The acoustics in that old house are incredible!  The 7kg is large enough for us, the 1400 spin cycle spins them really dry and the lower decibles speak for themselves (or not)! 
After saying I will be finished painting by whenever I said, we can forget that.  As far as David saying he will be finished by Friday, we can forget that.  Jerry and I haven't worked in two days at the Ruin and David or his merry men were not there today.  Oh, well....."Demain"  as they say in France!  

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