Thursday, September 22, 2011

22 Sept 2011

Jerry and I spent the better part of the morning going room to room getting info together for the electrician.  He wanted us to give him a 3 d home design layout of the house room by room showing where the electric plugs will be, what kind of lighting will be in each room and the layout of the kitchen.   Thank goodness Jerry is handy with computer programs.  We finally came to some decisions and marked them all down with detailed instructions.  This is France and the electrician is Irish so we will probably need another piece of paper!  LOL
We were invited over to the home of some new friends today.  They are trying to sell their village house and are doing some “staging” to help sell their house.  They have two very comfy chairs and she wondered if we would like to have them.  After seeing and sitting in the chairs we paid her on the spot and will pickup the chairs tomorrow or Saturday.  Our one big complaint of being here is we miss our comfy chairs back in the states!
I forgot to mention that Allison and Richard bought us a big offering of grapes, home grown tomatoes and a couple of figs.  The grapes are very sweet and juicy.  I can't remember having any that taste like them in the US.  The tomatoes are wonderful and we haven't eaten the figs yet.  I asked Jerry this morning how many grapes we could eat before our tummy started to hurt...they are better than lays potato chips and like lay's chips you can't eat just one!!    

On our way back from Allison and Richard’s house we stopped at the “Café” (the tavern) and had a refreshment.  Then it was back to clearing the garage and that dadgum wallpaper.  I am doing the Happy Dance because I finished the pink chambre.  What is left on the walls will be plastered over!  Tomorrow I finish the blue chambre and I am fini with the damn wallpaper!!!  WOOHOOT!!
Jerry found three “treasures” today.  Well, two treasures and one interesting historical item…he found an old advertisement temperature thermometer, another basket and THE OUTHOUSE DOOR!  (I told you they threw nothing away…I’m afraid we will find the outhouse before long).

After that "find" we called it a day.  Exciting day tomorrow…..the electric company comes and we may have electricity tomorrow…

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