Sunday, November 20, 2011

Holes on the wall, rubble in the floor, unsquare wall & other trials

16 Nov2011

electrician rubble
electrical & plumbing
Progress is being made but the electrician’s progress isn’t very visible after the first two days.   Kevin worked all last week (except Friday which was a holiday) but he did work Saturday all day.  His first work is done and we are waiting on the devis from the Clim guys.  They better hurry because by the end of the week we have to decide on Clim or electric wall mounted heaters.  Jerry has said the heaters may go downstairs on the ground level and Clim on the 1st and 2nd levels.  There is a problem getting rid of the condensation with units on the ground level…..I really did not understand what the problem was cause it seemed logical to me to run the condensation line thru the ditch Kevin had David dig in the foyer for the electrics and then run the condensation on out the back of the garage.  Even Jerry thought that was a good idea, but the French Clim guys were “Oh LALALALALALAL NO NO NO. 

kitchen conduit
tidy electrics in sejours
Wayne, the plumber, Paul’s, helper, is helping Jerry with the green board, wall board and ceiling in the bathrooms.  Wayne is also going to build the library….Jerry cried “UNCLE” on both those jobs.   Those unsquare corners, out of plumb walls and dirt and rock walls were his undoing!  The new bathroom is ready for the plumber to set the tub and toilet and stub out the sink.  Tomorrow the old remodeled bathroom will be ready for the plumber as well.  The new ceiling and the floor for the shower as well as the shower walls will be up.  The remodeled bath will have a Roman shower…..can’t wait!!!

getting ready to square the walls in new bath
David and his crew are coming this afternoon to clean up all the rubble and hopefully tomorrow they put the first coat of the new finish on.   I think it will have to set for a few days and sometime during that time Kevin will finish his second part of the job.  Sometime during this time a new fireplace will be built where the huge 1930 or 40’s fireplace was torn down.  (I hope… more on that latter.)

up goes the wall in the new bath
new bath wall ready for tile
Jerry and I worked Saturday too.  We sanded and put the sous couche on the walls of the stairwell.  There were several places to repair so we will have sand those places again but for the most part it is ready to paint.  When David and his crew are finished I will get the walls painted.  They are redoing the wall on the stairs coming up from the ground floor.  I have sanded and primed the wall from the landing to the 1st level.  The wall to the next landing and the 2nd level is still not quite ready….because I am vertically challenged I can’t get the wallpaper completely off that wall and none of the ladders or scaffolding are right for the stairs.  May have to hire someone to do that…..and as Scarlett said “I will think about that tomorrow”.
electrics in bedroom...."sigh"

Yesterday I FINALLY got that dratted bedroom wall finished with the sous couche!! Well, except where Kevin had drilled and gouged holes and grooves. (Sigh)

Jerry and I continued cleaning out the garage today.  I spent most of the morning on top of the wine caves throwing down sulfur bags, wood, wire, odd pieces of iron and what we think was the zip on cab covers for tractors. I also found some decorative end irons for the fireplace.  Hope those clean up cause they are not going to the dechetterie!  Jerry filled up the Hooptie and will carry it off to the dechetterie today (after lunch of course).  If we could get rid of the two trailers the garage would look pretty good.  All that would be left is wood but I think Wayne is going to take it.  If he does he won’t have to buy any wood this winter and maybe next!  The other side of that coin would be we would be grateful to have the garage space reclaimed!    

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